
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to Write a Novel

Okay, so I know that we haven’t done anything for weeks now, and you might be wondering what’s going on and if this is the beginning of a second end, but I promise you it is not. Things have just been pretty busy lately.

Small update:

At the beginning of the month, we managed to get to spend some time together in person. For those of you who don't know because you haven't read all we've written (not really that much unfortunately), Margaret and I met online. We got to know each other through a mix of a writing website, email, chatrooms, and Skype. We have met in person before, but this was the first time we actually got to spend an extended amount of time together (it was two days). While there was a TON of awkward giggling for the first day and a half, by the end of the last day and the day she was going home, we managed to talk like normal human beings and one of the things we discussed was the story I am going to be writing for this blog. We (more I, but I'm sure something she said inspired the idea to land in my head) managed to come up with an end, which mean that I'm likely to start writing it soon. I have the chapter outline about 3/4 done.

She went back to school on Monday August 12 2013 and my first day back at the evil death trap called “High School” was today.

Begin to cry young ones.

School is coming upon us all. Not only did school begin today, but I have spent the past two/three weeks frantically trying to finish all of the summer homework from my AP classes I was supposed to spend all summer doing. I told myself I could neglect it only if I was neglecting it for editing my book.

... let's not talk about that. Last summer I wrote a book. This summer I completely failed on the editing thing.

So yes, school is here. That means let time for writing. Hopefully it will also mean a return to structure and perhaps more steady uploads. Or it could have the opposite effect and we'll be so distracted that we won't... but let's hope for the first one, yes?

Hmm. Anything else? Margaret managed to fill in two plot holes! Yay! That’s always an awesome feeling.

Now, this post is not all just updating, though that probably will consist of about half of it. I just wanted to share this one thought that was actually shared with me a few days ago. It was actually used in a completely different context, but it was about goals and setting them and all that and that’s what we’re doing, isn’t it? It also ties in pretty heavily with some of the feelings I’ve been having myself lately.

The title of this post is “How To Write A Novel” and I do have to apologize for the slightly misleading title. I’m not going to be describing a foolproof THE way to write a novel, or even my way of writing a novel. Personally I don’t think I have the right to write an article like that until I actually have my name in print. But that’s beside the point.

We all have an ultimate goal in mind. Whether this goal is to get published, or maybe your goal is to be able to live off writing, or maybe your goal is to be the next JK Rowling (I’m gonna tell you right now, straight up, there are some goals and aspirations and dreams I can approve… if you think you’re the next JK Rowling… Not to be depressing or smashing your dreams to tiny pieces, but… I wouldn’t count on it), it is a goal.

So imagine this goal as the top of Mt. Everest.

And you’re standing at the little village at the base of the mountain where people plan their expeditions.

Look up.

It’s a looooonnngggg way to go. 29,029 feet/8,848 meters.

It doesn’t just look big, trust me, it is. And it’s not going to be easy to climb it. The people that climb it have to go through a lot to get to stand on the top and proudly yell “I’M KING OF THE WORLD!”

But every climb starts with a step. And then more steps after that. And even more. And a lot of steps. And in this case a lot of ropes and pulley systems and other people ahead of you to lead the way and or hoist you up a sheer face.

With those lots of steps, frozen sweat, ropes, and support system, even though you started at the very bottom, you can wind up at the top.

That is how you write a novel, or publish a novel, or whatever your literary goal may be. You take it one step at a time as you can, until you do get to stand at the top of that mountain and shout that you are indeed, King of the World.

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