
Sunday, September 9, 2012

School and How It Relates to Writing

Amanda here again. 

If you've checked out the About Us section which you may or may not have done, you would know that I go to public school and my dear "sister", Margaret, is home schooled.

Let's just get this out of the way right now.

Public school sucks.


It sucks so badly it could be a Dyson vacuum cleaner.

Especially when you're taking two AP classes and all honors. Not to mention the Spanish class taught by the 5 year army vet who makes people cry and the PE teacher that actually makes you exercise turning class! I mean, who hires a PE teacher like that? That's the whole point of PE. So you don't actually have to do any physical work.

I don't know, maybe you guy's don't have that problem. Maybe you actually LIKE to exercise (though in my experience, most writers don't), but in that case you'd probably join an actual sport. Kinda wish I had taken dance but don't want to risk messing up my schedule...

But I've gone off on a tangent (something you'll learn I do... a lot... both of us do actually... should be fun, eh?).

School sucks. And while learning is an amazing thing that in this generation we are very very blessed and lucky to have for free (hence PUBLIC school), I just wish it didn't come with, you know, everything else. 

Read: homework.

I promise this is not just complaining about how much homework I have and "Oh woe is me", there is going to be a lesson and even a question out of all of this. I'm just gonna do a bit of complaining first because I really want to/need to vent. Venting is good for the soul, you know. Releases tension.

Did you know that homework was first invented so that kids would have something to do at home after school so they wouldn't be bored all the time?

I think it's gone overboard. Seriously. There's homework and there's "Hey guys, let's give them enough homework to keep them up until 12:00 every single night! And then we'll give them a project and we can all have our tests on the same exact day so they have to stay up even later studying for both tests and they'll fail both because they were afraid of failing on and studied poorly on both! Muahahahahahaha!"

The reason for this blog post:

Tomorrow's Monday and I don't want to go back to school :(

But the purpose I promised you!

It was slightly touched upon on the last blog post, about finding time to write when there's a lot of things going on in your life. This isn't just for teenagers in high school, either. Everyone has trouble finding the time or the inspiration to do things these days, whether it's school or work or sports or homework... I wish I was able to give you a magical antidote, because trust me, if I could, I would sell it an make a fortune.

It all really boils down to one thing. 

You will not find time. 

You will never find time. 

So make it. Write late into the night (though I wouldn't suggest doing it the night before a test, trust me on that one), write in the car, do your homework in the car so that you can write later. Learn to write in multiple places at one time (working on that, betting better) so that when you have the opportunity you can work on it. Obviously you're not going to have time to pull out a computer during the last five minutes of a class period that you got because your teacher finished a few minutes early, but you do have enough time to flip over your math homework and scribble a hundred words on the back of it.

It works. A lot of the time you don't even have to have the paper ever again because the physical act of writing it down helped you five billion times over. Exact wording makes it stick in your brain and makes everything make more sense.

If you have a nice phone, type it out on said nice phone and email it to yourself. 

Just make sure you're writing.

Make the time. Do today's math homework at lunch so you don't have to worry about it when you get home. If you can do it right, it works well.

If not... um... well... leave a comment or send and email yelling at me and telling me how stupid I am! Haha... or you could leave a comment/send an email about how awesome my advice is... Or just not say anything at all. That works too.

I hate Mondays.

~ Amanda Vinshire

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